3 Kanoa, 3rd day in the 13-day Ik' (the Void) Week
3 Kanoa (Ch'orti'): Canoe
3 K'at (Quiche') / 3 Kan (Yucatec): Ripe maize
3 Cuetzpallin (Aztec): Blue lizard or iguana
Direction: South
Note: I think that this day sign was originally Katu', the moon deity, and was then transformed to Kanoa or Kanhoh (canoe) between 3000 BC and 1800 BC when the Mesoamericans began their great traveling ventures in dug-out canoes up rivers and rafts over oceans to spread their knowledge of agriculture. There was probably a rhyme associated with this shift, like "Katu' K'anhuh, Katbu K'an a'n, K'aht Kanoa" or "on moon and iguana, cross over with golden ripe corn, by bridge and canoe" (doesn't quite work in English). Such double meanings and rhymes help explain the Quiche', Yucateca, and Aztec names for this day. Kan also means 'to learn' and Teo-kan (Island of Learning) was one of the first four island civilizations.
Ik' Week: Ik' Balam is the name of one of the first four civilizing humans. Ik's village at the mouth of the Rio Lempa was most likely wiped out in the global flood event of the draining of Lake Agassiz in about 6400 BCE (Before Common Era). Ik' is also the dark spot in the Milky Way, or the Tree of Life, and specifically the center of the galaxy where there appear to be no stars. Also known as the void. Now we know that there is a black hole at this location. When the Mars retrograde cycle happens while aligning with the center of the galaxy, it occurs on the earliest possible date of the tzolkin. This is because of the elongated orbit of Mars being pulled by the densest mass of the galaxy. This allowed the Mayans to predict the exact day of the turning or retrograde motion of Mars. This is also how the Mayans determined the exact center of the galaxy with such accuracy, i.e. when Mars turned retrograde in that spot it would advance the Mars retrograde calendar before expected.
High Tides: 6:37 AM and 6:57 PM
Semi-diurnal Tide Range: 1.60 meters
and decreasing.