10 Ma'x, 10th day in the 13-day Ik' (the Void) Week
10 Ma'x (Ch'orti'): Monkey. (Glyph of monkey)
10 B'atz' (Quiche) / 10 Chuen (Yucatec Maya): Monkey
10 Ozomatli (Aztec): Monkey
Direction: West
Note: Ma'x relates back to human evolution, remembering where humans came from. The sign also is associated with the first pre-Mayan writers, scientists, and mathematicians who methodically kept track of astronomical calendars. These first mathematicians were led by the pre-Quiche' lineage who were most reliant on corn in their diet and thus were the first to suffer from mental illness due to the pellegra epidemic, between 2300 and 2000 BC. This caused the Quiche' to lose their leadership status among all the Mesoamerican peoples and they were banished by placing them on rafts in the ocean. They eventually landed on the shore of northwest Mexico. Since that time, Ma'x also represents mental illness, and, especially, the misunderstanding of mental illness (i.e. not knowing that, in this case, it was caused by over-reliance of corn in the diet). In more modern times, Ma'x is associated with corrupt political leadership, for example, calling Honduran coup leader Michiletti, "goriletti", a reference to a gorilla.
Ik' Week: Ik' Balam is the name of one of the first four civilizing Mesoamericans. Ik's village at the mouth of the Rio Lempa was most likely wiped out in the global flood event of the draining of Lake Agassiz in about 6400 BCE (Before Common Era). Ik' is also the dark spot in the Milky Way, or the Tree of Life, and specifically the center of the galaxy where there appear to be no stars. Also known as the void. Now we know that there is a black hole at this location. When the Mars retrograde cycle happens while aligning with the center of the galaxy, it occurs on the earliest possible date of the tzolkin. This is because of the elongated orbit of Mars being pulled by the densest mass of the galaxy. This allowed the pre-Mayans to predict the exact day of the turning or retrograde motion of Mars. This is also how the pre-Mayans determined the exact center of the galaxy with such accuracy, i.e. when Mars turned retrograde in that spot it would advance the Mars retrograde calendar before expected.
Ma'x in Ik': It is from the void in the sky, Ik', that we learn mathematics and math is a sign of our evolution from monkeys, Ma'x, to humans. Yet to immerse oneself completely in that math one risks losing a sense of reality. Ik' also contains the most beautiful force in the world, love, which helps keep us grounded in the earth and those around us.
High Tides: 1:13 AM and 1:50 PM
Semi-diurnal Tide Range: 1.88
and increasing
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