4 Corn, 4 Alligator: 4th day in the Flint Week
This 13
day week will usually have an eclipse every other tzolkin year. A solar eclipse
occurs on the 12th day of this week this year (Jan. 15).
4 Imix (Mayan): Imix means corn in Chorti and comes from the mother earth 'ix', the daysign of seven days ago. Imix is used to refer to early corn prior to knowledge of the nixtamal process, and was later associated with the pellegra (lesion) disease.
4 Cipactli (Nahua): Alligator, with no bottom jaw
Direction: East
Acajutla High Tides: 7:36 AM and 8:10 PM
range: 1.76 meters average and quickly decreasing (Difference in High/Low Tides)
2000 BC, early Mayans along the Ahuachapan coast had determined that
high tides repeated every 13 to 14 days, allowing for much greater
efficiency in fishing and ocean harvesting. Thus they knew that the next five days would have low tides and it would be better to spend time working in the milpa (chor) or on a trade journey.
Keywords: Major choices presented today. It may be worth sacrificing your personal life for a larger vision.